UNILORIN SUG have negotiated with landlords of private hostel possible accommodation fees reduction
The Students’ Union of the University of Ilorin (UNILORIN) acknowledges the challenges posed by Nigeria’s current economic climate. While prioritizing your welfare.
SUG Note to Students
- We have negotiated with private hostel owners to minimize the impact.
- We recorded renovation, fumigation and clearing of hostels to ensure a peaceful, restful and impactful environment for our colleagues.
- Regrettably, we’re writing to inform our colleagues of an unavoidable 12.5% increment on previous session’s fee with an additional N28,000 as utility charges.
- Recall that there’ll be a N10,000 Caution Deposit, refundable to residents if no damage is caused to hostel property(ies) and N1,000 Application Form Fee.
- We arrived at these inevitable adjustments after thorough deliberations, balancing the interests of both parties amidst the economic situation.
- We are pleased to announce that private hostel booking is now open, effective immediately. In case of any suspected deviation or extortion, kindly notify the Students’ Union.
We strongly advise our colleagues not to exceed this agreed price when booking the private hostels on Campus as we pledge to ensure charges reductions when the economic situation improves.