University of Cross Rivers State (UNICROSS)
UNICROSS Registration Procedure for Newly Admitted Student 2024/2025

UNICROSS Registration Procedure for Newly Admitted Student 2024/2025. The school management of the University of Cross Rivers State (UNICROSS), formerly Cross River University of Technology (CRUTECH) have released the names of candidates offered admission into its various degree programmes for the 2024/2025 academic session.


All newly admitted students into degree programmes in University of Cross River State (UNICROSS) who have already accepted their admission on JAMB CAPS that payment of Acceptance fees for the 2024/2025 Academic Session will commence on Monday 9th September, 2024.

All new students are expected to pay a non-refundable Acceptance Fee of Twenty Five Thousand Naira (N25,000.00) Only. (This payment qualifies you to print Acceptance of Admission Form UNICROSS Admission Letter and School Fee Chart)


1. Log on to

2. Click on eduportal

3. Type in your JAMB Registration Number

3. Enter your valid Email Address and Phone number

4. in the New Student Text Box, then click on proceed.

5. Your Student Payment Code (SPC) will display on the screen and also sent to your registered phone number.

6. Click on Acceptance fee, enter your Student Payment Code (SPC) on the text box provided, then click on proceed

7. Select your level, then click on proceed.

8. Choose your method of payment.

9. After payment of acceptance fee, click on get Acceptance/Admission Letter

10. Follow the instruction to print your Acceptance Form, UNICROSS Admission and Fee Chart.


University of Cross River State (UNICROSS), formerly, Cross River University of Technology with the acronym CRUTECH was established in August 2002 by Cross River State Bill No. 9, which was amended as Bill No. 6 of 2004. The University is the outcome of the merger of three former tertiary institutions: The Polytechnic of Calabar, Calabar, The College of Education, Awi, Akamkpa and the Ibrahim Babangida College of Agriculture, Ovonum, Obubra, all owned by the Government of Cross River State of Nigeria.

The University took off in October 2002 with five campuses located in Calabar, Akamkpa, Obubra, Ogoja and Okuku dotted over a distance of well over 300 kilometers from one end to the other. In September 2008, the University lost the campus at Akamkpa, leaving it with four. It did not, however, lose the programmes run in the campus at Akamkpa as they were transferred to the campus in Calabar. The Faculties, Departments and programmes in the multi-campus university are presently distributed in the various campuses.